Rafting in Sweden Åre. Gevsjöströmmarna
Rafting in Sweden when it is best. This trip on Gevsjöströmmarna is Sweden’s steepest rafting trip and hold world class.
This stretch on Indalsälven have six steep rapids, many of them drops 4 – 6 meter. Storfallet is the most spectacular rapid and drops 6 m in a huge slide. We eat lunch beside Storfallet before we run it one boat at the time. Normally this trip is class 4 but on higher water level its class 5, a real challenge. We do surfing with the rafts, a great fun. You can also jump in river below Storfallet from a higher cliff.
See video on our gallery.
Price 1200 SEK/person.
We need at least 8 persons to run a trip.
Bring trainings shoes, rain jacket and a thin fleece or sports underwear.
Lunch is included. We provide wetsuit, lifejacket and helmet.
Other information
BOOKING: Send a booking request on info@jope.se Give us how many you are, cellphone number and if you have own transport.
Minimum age 18 years.
Place of meeting 10.00 at Åre Cable car parking.
We start to run this trip around 10
- Gåshöljan the last rapid on Gevsjöströmmarna
- Grade 5 rafting in Åre with JoPe
- Kvarnforsen at Gevsjöströmmarna. Rafting with JoPe
- The Giljotin. Keep our head down.
- Game over! Gåshöljan
- Where are the guests
- Here they come. JoPe rafting
- Kvarnforsen have a gradient of 30 m!
- Storfallet (Big fall) drops 6 m. jope.se
- Storfallet grade 4 – 5 rapid. Foto Jonas Persson
- Surfing in Gåshöljan, Gevsjöströmmarna. www.jope.se
- Släggan Gevsjöströmmarna. jope.se
- Happy guests before running the Storfallet.
- JoPe goes down the Storfallet.
- Sledgehammer hard grade 4 rapid.
- Rafting Sweden in Gevsjöströmmarna. jope.se
- Lunch at Storfallet
- Rafting in Åre Sweden
- Hard core surfing in Gevsjöströmmarna.
- Going down Storfallet
- Swim at Storfallet
- Safty staff at Storfallet. Foto JoPe
- Rafting Åre. www.jope.se
- Surfing in Gåshöljan.